Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holy Cow! They are proselytising!

While waiting for the train home at the Penn Station, I saw many red fliers being trampled underfoot and tucked at the back of the seats. I picked one up and saw that it was a message from a group called Jews For Jesus. I thought that the message was attractive, contemporary and brought a chuckle or two even from a confirmed agnostic like me. While I detest proselytising of any sort, I could only nod my head and grin at the cheekiness.

The larger question remains. Why do I react negatively to propaganda by religions? I'm not angry when bombarded with a zillion adverts on TV, merely irritated (Well, I do get angry when they cut away just before the last delivery in the over and start an advert in a cricket match).
So what is the difference? I think that religion works at the belief level, and as everything else that works at that level (like for instance honesty, patriotism and love), they are deeply, totally personal. A belief demands that the individual grapple and seek. And if in that seeking; she reaches out to a guru, or a church, or a book, or a sect, or a philosophy; it is all right. However, what is not on is to thrust ones religion on to individuals, to peddle belief. That, to me is disgusting and beggars belief (sorry, couldn't resist that pun!). Let the seeker approach; let the one who needs to believe ask for help. Don't dishonour anyone by assuming that she needs to to believe, that she better believe!

I have heard the argument, 'But, what if they don't know that they need help? What if they are simple and innocent?' Well, all the more reason to leave them alone. If they have not yet found a reason to believe, then they don't need it in their lives. When they need it, the heart will seek.

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